Berlin Audiences Say Shen Yun Is a Visual Splendor to Experience

May 2, 2024

With heavenly scenes and music, Shen Yun Performing Arts brought theatergoers on a journey through ancient China in Berlin, Germany, from April 19 through April 21. Audience members were delighted by Shen Yun’s artistry.

“Positively surprised, I think it’s great how the dancers move and the ease with which the acrobatic jumps are performed. I’m surprised by the stage design, I’ve never seen it like that before, it’s actually great,” said Guido Evers, the managing director at GVL.

“Visually it’s such a splendor of colors and so much stimulation that has an effect on you,” he added.

“Little stories are told. I have to say that they are very well represented in terms of dance. And I’ve never experienced it like that before. That’s why it’s particularly impressive for me,” said Michael Pawlik, the director of the economic development department at Berlin District Government.

Tilmann Scheffner, an attorney, was fascinated by Shen Yun’s use of a 3D backdrop.

“I thought it was excellent, the collaboration between the screen and the artists, that the artists disappear into the screen and come out of the screen again. And it was precisely coordinated with the music. I thought that was very, very good.”

Shen Yun aims to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture and values, a culture that was almost destroyed by the Chinese Communist Party since it took control of the country in 1949. Theatergoers applauded Shen Yun’s efforts and took note of a deeper message.

“We have a choice, we face a very important choice to decide which side to take. What struck me so much was that this was reflected here. That’s exactly the message of the show, that’s what I believe,” said Jasmin Hartel, a physiotherapist.

“That’s exactly what this evening achieved. It brings people back to the state they should be in,” said Peter Hilmer, a business owner.

He appreciated the virtues Shen Yun displayed in the performance and said they were of great importance.

“This is very important for today. This is particularly important at this time,” Mr. Hilmer added.

“It’s just great to see how things have developed over 5,000 years of Chinese history. And all the worse is how cultural Marxism has managed to destroy all of this in the last few decades. And it’s all the more important that we revive this culture here in Germany, in Europe, and worldwide,” said Laurens Muigg, the spokesperson for the Youth Council of Göttingen.

Shen Yun began performing in 2006 and now has 8 companies traveling the world simultaneously, bringing audiences a brand new performance every season with original dance and music.

“I want to tell them, first of all, it is extremely beautiful, suitable for the soul, and a performance that touches the soul,” said Ms. Hartel.

“It’s definitely worth watching this show. It’s a really, really great performance. And you simply have to see it,” said Mr. Pawlik.

Mr. Muigg said Shen Yun is bringing the true culture of China to the world.

“I would just advise everyone to come here, take a look, just experience what the real China is. Because what the CCP is trying to make us believe is not the real China. The real China is what is demonstrated here.”

“I would say, be curious, let yourself be surprised. It is a pure, pure blaze of color, an enchanting performance, and very different,” said Mr. Evers.

Shen Yun will perform in Bremen, Germany, from April 30 through May 2.

NTD News, Berlin, Germany